What are CPIN, CIN, BRN, and E-FPB under GST?


CPIN, CIN, BRN, and E-FPB under GST: Hey Guys, I will share with you a list of terms and their meanings that can use while making the Payment of GST.

Here, you get a details understanding of the Meaning of CPIN, CIN, BRN, and E-FPB under GST. so that, next time you are aware of this term while making the GST Payment.

      • What is CPIN?
      • What is CIN?
      • What is BRN?
      • What is E-FPB?

What is CPIN?

CPIN is a Common Portal Identification Number. and, CPIN is created when the GST Challan is successfully generated by the taxpayer.

Normally, CPIN is a 14 Digit Number. and it is mainly used to identify the GST Challan.

Once, CPIN is created, it is valid for a period of 15 days.

What is CIN?

CIN means Challan Identification Number. CIN is generated by the Bank. Bank generates CIN only when payment is made in respect of Challan.

CIN is an 18 Digit Number. In 18 Digit Number, 14 Digit Number is CPIN and 4 Digit is Bank Code.

In Simple term, CIN = 14 Digit CPIN + 4 Digit Bank Code

CIN is generated by the authorized Bank or RBI when payment is actually received by such authorized Bank or RBI and credited in the relevant government account held with them.

it is indicated that payment has been realized and credited to the relevant account of the government.

After that, CIN is communicated by the authorized Bank or RBI to Both.

  1. Taxpayer and,
  2. GSTN

What is BRN?

BRN stands for Bank Reference Number. it is the transaction number given by the Bank when Payment is made in respect of Challan.

What is E-FPB?

E-FPB means Electronic Focal Point Branch. These are the Branches of the authorized Bank which are authorized to collect the Payment of GST.

Each authorized bank will nominate only one branch as its E-FPB for PAN India basis. and E-FPB open accounts under each Head for all governments.

any amount received by the E-FPB towards the GST will be credited to the appropriate account held by such E-FPB.

For the purpose of NEFT and RTGS Transaction RBI will act as E-FPB.

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